December 14, 2018

The 'Other' America (That MSM Won't Let You See)

| December 14, 2018 |

Lies, #resistance, nationalism, hate speech, racism, #metoo, white supremacy, socialism, nazis... and Russians!?

This is the America spewed in to Americans' brains 24/7 by the mainstream media as "the middle" has been lost.

But every now and again, something happens that allows 'average joe' Americans to reflect proudly on their nation, be patriotic, and share empathy with those who honorably do Washington's bidding without question.

In a video taken at Nashville International Airport in Tennessee, Jen Tringale caught the following faith-restoring moment on her phone and posted to Facebook:

“I witnessed an international airport come to a complete stop today...

At the Nashville airport I walked out into the concourse to this scene @americanairlines was flying a plane full of children who had lost a parent in combat to Disneyworld [sic] on an all-expenses-paid trip and they threw a party for them at the gate.

But when they announced them over the loud speaker and they lined up to board the plane, the whole airport literally stopped and sang the national anthem with military present in salute.

Most every person standing around, myself included, was bawling at the sight of these kids and spouses who have paid so great a price for our country. To see all of this at Christmas time was so humbling. Seeing the general public in an airport stand still to honor these kids was simply beautiful.”

If you can watch the following clip without a tear in your eye, you're dead inside...

The kids appeared to enjoy themselves and perhaps for a moment forgot about the hardships they face...

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